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宜可城(ICLEI)东亚秘书处城市项目实习生 其它-亚洲-韩国

  • 职位月薪:面议
  • 工作地点:其它-亚洲-韩国
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:
  • 最低学历:不限
  • 发布日期:09-21 16:32





申请方式:将简历、Letter of motivation、Indication of citizenship于2018年9月30日前发jobs.seoul@iclei.org


宜可城—地方可持续发展协会(英文名为ICLEI—Local Governments for Sustainability;中文简称“宜可城”)是全球最大的致力于推进可持续发展的城市和地方政府合作组织,由来自全球 100 多个国家的 1500 多个城市和地方政府组成,致力于推动地方行动,支持城镇走向低碳发展和韧性建设,工作内容影响着全球超过 25% 的都市人口。宜可城在全球设有22个办公室,聚集来自124国的专业人士,共同努力解决气候变化和城市化进程等所带来的地方性影响,将城市发展对全球系统的影响降至最低,建立公平和以人为本的社会。

宜可城深信,具有可持续性的城市是公正和可持续世界的基础。我们正努力使可持续城市成为地方、国家和全球各级发展中不可或缺的一部分。成立于 2012 年的宜可城东亚秘书处通过推广地方及区域合作项目和建立交流平台,提供专业的技术咨询和多元培训机会,协助地方政府迈向低碳和可持续发展。2018 年宜可城东亚秘书处北京代表处正式成立。


This position is based on projects and services, and will be supervised by the responsible Line manager and/orOfficer as well as the Regional Director.


-Assist the design and development of urban programs targeting East Asian cities, especially on low-carbon, resilient, nature-based and circular development 

-Reearch and compiling relevant information and programs related to ICLEI urban programs

-Writing a report and case study on programs and best practices for cities relevant to ICLEI urban programs

-Support the organization and implementation of projects and events

-Communicate with East Asian cities and partners for program and partnership development

-Translation of various materials like website, newsletter, ICLEI case studies, etc.


-Degree in environmental studies, urban development, political sciences, international relations, or another subject relevant to the position

-Excellent command of English and one language among Chinese, Japanese and Mongolian

-Experience or familiarity in the areas of air quality, environmental science, climate change or other similar fields.

-Ideally with experience on research activities, basic website management and/or event management

-Organized working style, creative and pro-active attitude, and excellent communication skills

Terms and conditions

-The internship position is available immediately at the ICLEI East Asia Secretariat in Seoul, South Korea. The initial duration will be 6 months with the option of extension.

-Workings hours: 40 hours per week; 10 days of paid leave for 6 months.

-Working languages: English and East Asian language(Chinese, Korean, Mongolian)

-ICLEI offers interns a cost compensation of 1.6 Million Korean Won per month, tax and social insurance fees to be deducted.

-Applicants must be eligible to obtain the appropriate work permit for the Republic of Korea prior to the start of the position.

-Start date: immediately


Please submit your job application (reference in subject line: "Urban Program Internship") to jobs.seoul@iclei.org including:

-Letter of motivation and CV (max 2 pages)

-Indication of citizenship



