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  • 职位月薪:面议
  • 工作地点:北京市-市辖区-朝阳区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:1-3年
  • 最低学历:研究生
  • 发布日期:01-10 11:47



中国清洁交通伙伴关系(China Clean Transportation Partnership , 简称 CCTP)是由能源基金会、能源与交通创新中心、国家发改委能源研究所、交通运输部科学研究院、生态环境部机动车排污监控中心、中国汽车技术研究中心等十三家机构发起的一个非政府、非营利的交流、合作及观点传递平台,秉承“独立、开放、共享、包容”的理念聚焦政策和技术创新,总结、宣传和推广国际、中国和地方先进经验,以加速交通清洁化转型。

中国清洁交通伙伴关系联合了交通、能源、气候、环境、经济等多领域的一线研究机构及智库,旨在打破行业间、部门间、国家和地方之间、不同性质的机构之间的信息壁垒,推动交通领域温室气体排放尽早达峰。中国清洁交通伙伴关系持续吸纳来自行业协会、学术机构、社会团体、企事业单位的众多具有影响力的机构加入,具体请登录官方网站 www.cctp.org.cn 查询。


职位名称:中国清洁交通伙伴关系秘书处  项目官员





1. 扩展并维护中国清洁交通工作伙伴关系,进行工作伙伴内部、外部沟通与协调;

2. 跟踪国内外清洁交通政策的最新进展及热点话题,覆盖电动汽车、燃料经济性、交通运输、能源、环境与气候影响等相关领域,定期策划组织伙伴沙龙;

3. 针对政策热点,采集行业专家的意见与观点,编撰工作伙伴双月刊简报;

4. 负责平台宣传推广,并协助媒体战略制定;

5. 组织平台其他活动,包括工作组会议、研讨会、年会等;

6. 负责中国清洁交通工作伙伴及月刊相关的中英文翻译;

7. 负责执行CCTP执委会的其他决议;

8. 完成机构和项目负责人安排的其他工作。



1. 交通、能源、汽车、环境经济、国际关系、公共政策、新闻、中文等相关专业硕士及以上学历;

2. 交通、汽车、能源、环境等领域具有两年以上媒体或组织协调经验,拥有一定的专业素养;

3. 具有快速学习能力、优秀的沟通与组织能力,以及较强的团队合作精神;

4. 优秀的中英文读写能力;

5. 热爱环保公益事业。






China Clean Transportation Partnership(CCTP)Project Officer 

The offered position is to fulfill the tasks of China Clean Transportation Partnership (CCTP) secretariat, include maintaining member’s relationship, implementing decisions of CCTP executive committee, organizing events, etc. CCTP is a non-governmental, non-profit and voluntary platform to foster communication, cooperation and joint research by top institutes and think tanks in clean transportation and related energy, climate, environment and sustainable development fields, to promote innovations in clean transportation, with the core values of Independence, Professionalism, Sharing, and Inclusivity. It is formed by leading institutions and now with 18 members. Learn more www.cctp.org.cn

Position: Program Officer

Office location: Beijing, CBD

Recruitment: 1 person


1.Expand and maintain membership of "China Clean Transport Partnership", as well as internal and external coordination of working partners;

2.Track state-of-the-art transportation policies development in China and abroad and organize quarterly workshops, covering electric vehicles, fuel economy, automobile technology development, traffic energy consumption and environmental impact, climate change and other related fields;

3.Compile bi-monthly newsletter and working brief with experts’ reviews, research and policy update;

4.Promote monthly working brief publicity and assist developing media strategy;  

5.Support the logistical and administrative work advancing project implementation (including conferences, seminars, workshops and press releases);

6.Translation of materials from Chinese to English and vice versa.


1.Master degree in transportation, energy, automotive, environmental economics, public policy, government affairs, media, or related subjects;

2.With 2 or 3 years media or coordination working experiences in transportation and related area, preferably familiar and comfortable with electric vehicles, fuel economy, car sharing related policies;

3.Good organizational and communication skills, as well as fast-learned skill;

4.Self-regulated and team work spirit;

5.Passion for environmental protection.

Compensation: Based on expertise and experience, compensation includes competitive salary and benefits.

How to apply: Send both Chinese and English resume, as well as cover letter to lichen@icet.org.cn

Application deadline: 2019.1.31

The Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET), a leading think tank in the areas of clean transportation, carbon management, and clean technology development, is an independent non-profit organization registered in Beijing and California.  iCET’s mission is to strengthen international collaboration and provide decision makers at all levels with the urgently needed innovative solutions to solve the energy, environment, and climate crises that the world faces today. For more information, please visit: http://icet.org.cn/english/




